Thursday, January 26, 2017

My First Blog!

 Hey everyone, welcome to my first blog, I am not an experienced journalist I have only been in my

high school class. From what I picked up I enjoyed because I realized how I can really make

anything into a story and how there are so many elements behind a story. What I took away from the

experience was the features because they allow more creativity and there is so much more to write

about, so those are the kind of blogs that I will be writing about. I am a shy person if you see me in

person but when something interest me then I really come out of my shell. I will be doing interviews

and features on person experiences and life problems. Culture is something that I like writing about

because a good story is supposed to inform readers but also the writer. Exposing the world about

different cultures is what I hope to accomplish. Its fascinating to know that we are all living under

different roofs but go through similar situations. So I hope to highlight those issues and give other

people different perspective as to what they are used to.

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