Thursday, February 9, 2017

Different Methods of Parenting

      At the store you see a child throw themselves on the floor, yelling out loud for their parents

attention because they want the toy that's on the shelf, what should they do to calm them down? Some

 parents would spank there child and tell them "NO!" while others would cave in and just buy them

the toy to keep them from causing a scene, but would you get the same result anywhere else?

A lot of other countries have their own methods when it comes to dealing with a child's intolerable

 behavior. What it comes down to is cultural background and a persons own accustoms to generate

 their ideas of discipline.

In China, it has everything to do with Confucianism since it originated there to begin with. For the

 parents, this means that they are the children's guardians in every aspect of the childhood. They

emphasize how the parents have a huge responsibility in the first stages of their child whether it be

 education, or in every day life. There is a large amount of pressure and importance on the parents to

do well in raising their child to the best of their abilities. If the child grows up to be a complete shame

 to the family then the parents are considered to be failures because it was their job to guide them. So

Image result for china parenting methods
the parents have high standards for the child to

do well and are often strict and have a set of

rules. There are two important times in the

 growth of a child. The first is called the 'age of

innocence' that is when a child has not fully

developed their common sense and still requires

their parents assistance. The mother is usually

the one to nurture the child with a tender and gentle hand. The child can not yet take in any

knowledge for themselves and needs to be supervised. As the child matures and is around the ages of

5 to 6  it becomes the 'age of understanding' when the parent steps up their game and have to be more

responsive about their child's behavior and hold them accountable for their


Now moving down South East, India is a country full of culture and wisdom. They follow the ethics

of a popular set of beliefs which is Hinduism and use it to cement those teachings into their child's 

upbringing. Other more common religious ideas that you see within the families are Sikhism 

and Islam. Similar to the Chinese, it is also true that a child is easiest to mold when they are in the

 stage of obedience or 'age of innocence' and the parents play a vital role in creating that mold. 
Image result for india parenting

Kinship is important and during a child's infancy it becomes even

 more evident with a mother's soft eyes. The mother is extra careful 

and is more attached to the baby then at any stage in terms 

of nurture. They keep their baby closer to their bodies and massage 

their heads softly. They acknowledge that children are able to take

 in so much at a young age and are quick learners. So they 

act on it by making sure that the child is taught right from wrong and is being guided. Usually the 

parents discipline their child physically often to make the child understand that they have done 

wrong and not repeat the same mistake

In Africa, generally there are a lot of differences depending on the region, but some information 

remains the same. A child is highly valued and considered to be a blessing in the eyes of the parents.

 It is a huge burden when partners aren't able to conceive a child so if they are able to, then that child 

is cherished and well received by the rest of the community. There is a large amount of respect for the

 elderly because of their wisdom and are taken as a book of knowledge. It is the children's job to learn

Image result for nigerian mothers

 from them about what is most important which is morals and culture. This can be represented in a 

saying 'the child is like a plant that must be nurtured while young  so it will grow strong and 

productive', There are expectations in each culture that the child must meet and it should be clear. In 

Nigeria a child that doesn't follow their parents culture or abandons it are most often disowned by the 



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