Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Most Bizzare Laws Ever Made

      DON'T drink and drive, DON'T J-WALK, DON'T steal, these are some of the most common laws
here in the U.S. that we all know and heard of before. Truth is, we have only just scratched the
surface of it all and I asked myself "what other laws are out there that I don't know of?" What I found
turned out to be extremely interesting and damn right hilarious. With that being said, here are ten of the most bizarre and weird laws that we have here in America:

  1. In North Carolina it is illegal to sing off key. "What?!?" said all the monotone people.
  2. Cutting a cactus in Arizona is illegal and a serious offense that leaves you facing 25 years in prison. Now imagine telling that story to the inmates?
  3. In Georgia, eating fried chicken without the use of your hands is illegal. My question is, what other way is there to eat fried chicken?
  4. If you are a man with a mustache it is illegal for you to kiss a woman in Nevada. Better luck next time.
  5. In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to tie a dollar to a string and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up as a prank. But come on?? It's pretty funny though.
  6. It is illegal to drive in the car with an uncaged bear in Missouri, because you would rather drive with a caged bear, right?
  7.  In Florida, to flatulate in public after 6 p.m. on a Thursday is illegal, because nothing important ever happens before 6 p.m. on a Thursday?
  8. In Maine, keeping Christmas decorations up after January 14th is illegal and completely irresponsible?
  9. Sharing a Netflix password in Tennessee is illegal. Now that something all of us would go to jail for.
  10. In Texas, pointing a lazer beam at a plane is illegal, and childish.

 But if you think those laws were weird, here are ten more that are just down right ludicrous:
  1. In Honolulu, Hawaii singing out loud after sunset is illegal, and extremely annoying to everyone else.
  2. In Bangladeshi, if you are caught cheating on a final exam you could potentially go to jail if you are 15 and older. That'll show them, take notes professors. 
  3. In Russia, there is a huge ban on homosexuality and any form of "propaganda", like telling children that gay people exist, is illegal. You can blame President Vladimir Putin for that.
  4. In Hong Kong, if a man is cheating on his wife, then she is allowed to commit homicide as long as she only uses her hands to do it. Men watch out!
  5. In Thailand, stepping on money is illegal. Now their just bragging.
  6.  In Singapore, selling or chewing gum can result in having to pay a fine of $1000. If caught a second time, then it goes up to $2000, but wait there is more. You also have to spend the day cleaning the city. If caught a third time, then it is more embarrassing where you are forced to wear a sign that reads "I'm a litterer." Seriously who comes up with this stuff I wanna know?
  7. Some parts of India allow men to sell there wives if they are in debt until it gets paid. Now that is just real considerate of them.
  8. In France, to marry a dead person is illegal, and just flat out wrong.
  9.  In Britain, operating on a cow while intoxicated is illegal. So wait, what happens if they operate on a person while intoxicated?
  10. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife’s birthday. Now calling ALL terrible husbands!
So see, silly laws are made all around the world and although some have actual meaning behind them, they are still pretty ridiculous and fun to laugh at. 

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